Worship Leaders
Summer Term 2023-24
The Worship Leaders led a beautiful Celebration of the word for the children in Year 1 and 2. Their theme was Peace. The children used the CAFOD Catholic Social Teaching Character - Daisy the Dove - to show the children the meaning of Peace and explain how they can bring Peace to others.
The Worship Leaders put their Catholic Social Teaching in action during the summer term. The children and Mr. Allen walked down to Hyde Park to pick up some litter. The children managed to fill two big bin bags full of rubbish. The children really thought out what impact this would have on the world and how we should all be looking after God's world.
Spring Term - 2023-24
The worship leaders led a wonderful celebration of the word for the Year 3 and 4 children. The celebration of the word was focused on the Catholic Social Teaching principles. The worship leaders recapped all of the principles with the children and then focused on the teachings of Poppy the pōpokotea. They asked the children to think about others during this time of Lent and what we could do to help (‘Preferential Option for the Poor’ - the needs of poor and vulnerable people should be put first).
The worship leaders led the children really well and encouraged some excellent, thought-provoking discussions.
During Holy Week, the Worship Leaders led a Lenten Prayer Trail each lunchtime. The prayer trail was a lovely time for the children to come and reflect on the journey that Jesus made during Holy Week.

Worship Leaders Area for Development |
· Worship Leaders to plan out their Celebration of the Word for Holy Week |
Autumn Term - 2023-24
Worship Leaders
The new Worship Leaders were appointed at the beginning of the year and have set about planning their year of supporting the children of St. Paul’s.
On Wednesday 29th November, a member of the CAFOD education team will be visiting school to deliver training with the Worship Leaders. CAFOD will be teaching the children about Catholic Social Teaching (CST) using the CAFOD resources that are available. CAFOD have designed characters to help explain CST to children. Each one of the characters represents one of the nine principles of CST. The children will then lead the school in Celebration of the Word focused on the principles.
What is Catholic Social Teaching?
Catholic Social Teaching is founded in Scripture and includes statements and letters written by Church leaders. It offers wisdom and insights on living the Gospel in today’s world. Jesus tells us to love God and to love our neighbours, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty.
During the month of October, the Worship Leaders a weekly Rosary Club for the children in KS2.
During Advent, the Worship Leaders will be leading year group Celebration of the Word. To celebrate Advent and prepare for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, the Worship Leaders asked families to create a nativity scene together. The nativity scene was then blessed by Father Isidore at our whole school mass on Tuesday 19th December 2023.
The hope was that families would then have a sacred nativity scene to share prayers at home at Christmas time. The Worship Leaders also wanted to try and tie in the Catholic Social Teaching of Stewardship (Sofia the sloth) and encourage the use of recycled items to make them.
The participation was wonderful and we had some lovely feedback from families about how much they had enjoyed working together to create the scene.
Worship Leaders Area for Development |
· Worship Leaders to develop their knowledge about Catholic Social Teaching · Worship Leaders to plan out their Celebration of the Word for Advent |
Contact the School
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom
Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)
Tel: 0161 368 2934
SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton
SEN Email: SEND@st-pauls-hyde.tameside.sch.uk