Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Smith
Welcome to Year Six!
Your class teachers for the start of this year are Miss Smith and Mrs Lloyd.
We are so excited to be sharing the joy of year 6 with you! We can’t wait to get to know you, get stuck into our learning, and to start thinking about our year 6 roles and responsibilities.
Please can we ask that children bring a labelled water bottle with them each day, and can we remind you that water bottles should not contain juice.
Our topic this term is “Hyde’s Hair- Raising History”- an enthralling local history study that considers the formation and history of Hyde and the local area, starting with Anglo-Saxons. In particular depth, we will study the impact of the Victorian Period and WW2 on Hyde; as well as how historians have found out about these periods. If you have any interesting facts or family history, then please do let us know!
In combination with this, our Art lessons will consider local artist Harry Rutherford, looking closely at tone, texture and shading and practising these skills. You can find out more about our curriculum here:
Reading in Year 6
With much joy, we know from our transition session that this class loves reading- almost as much as Mrs Lloyd and Miss Smith-almost! Our first class novel will be Phil Earle’s, “When the Sky Falls”. It is a remarkable book following a young boy’s difficulties in WW2 London; however, we won’t say anymore as we don’t want to give too much away.
As we are sure you are aware, reading is so important to progress and education. Please try to read every night. Reading in year 6 can often be independent, but discussing books and reading together, where possible, at home can greatly help your child’s progress. It is important that children bring both their reading record and book into school every day.
Reading Records: reading records are a great tool to help us communicate about your child’s reading progress and what they have enjoyed reading. They are regularly checked in class. Please can we ask that you log down every time your child reads (a quick note including the date that they read and the pages).
Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be completed by the following Wednesday. All homework will be set online. The children will receive maths and reading homework. For the first half term, maths homework will be weekly TTRS as times table knowledge is essential to access the year 6 curriculum. Reading homework will be short burst comprehension. On occasion, extra homework maybe set such as Topic and R.E, or research from children’s interests.
Homework will be set on Google Classroom. Please let us know if there are any issues accessing a device.
Year 6 is a special year: as the eldest in the school, the children have the extra responsibility of setting a wonderful example to the rest of the school; as such, children must ensure they are wearing black school shoes, have their shirt tucked in at all times, and long hair must always be tied back.
The only jewellery that can be worn to school is a crucifix necklace and stood earrings.
Physical Education
P.E will take place on a Thursday of each week, but we would appreciate P.E kits being kept in school each week in case the timetable needs to change. All jewellery- including earrings-will need to be removed before school, and long hair must be tied back.
Year Six will be swimming this term on a Friday, beginning on the 13th September, and will need to bring their full swimming kit each week.
If there are any further questions, queries, or additional information you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Miss Smith and Mrs Lloyd.
Files to Download
Year 6: Gallery items
Kingswood 2025 - Day 2, by Mr Allen
Kingswood 2025 - Day 1, by Mr Allen
Year 6: Calendar items
Whole School Mass with Readings led by Year 5 at 9am, by Mrs Phoenix
Cricket Coaching for Y2, Y4, Y5 & Y6, by Mrs Phoenix
TCSSA Cheerleading Competition - PM, by Mrs Phoenix
Contact the School
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom
Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)
Tel: 0161 368 2934
SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton
SEN Email: