English - Writing

Writing at St. Paul's

The development of motor skills is inclusive of most activities with the Early Years Provision. Regular Wiggle and Squiggle, Dough Disco and Funky Fingers takes place to build physical development.  The Talk for Writing approach is used throughout in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 to engage children in writing units.  We believe that Talk for Writing allows children to explore the processes involved in being a writer and extends oral rehearsal so that it becomes a draft for their written pieces. The approach supports the children to move from talk into high-quality writing.

Spelling and grammar are fundamental to the three stages of the Talk for Writing unit (Immersion, Innovation, and Independent Application) taught at St Paul’s. High-quality grammar, punctuation and relevant spelling patterns are modelled in Immersion, experimented with in Innovation, and then applied independently in the final application. Accuracy is underpinned through the marking policy with a strong focus on independent editing.  Opportunities for all taught text types to be revisited and applied in a different subject are planned for within English long-term planning.  Where possible, text within English units are of a cross curricular theme.


In St Paul’s writing lessons, we intend to develop a thirst for language and a love of writing in our children.

Writing at St Paul’s intends not only be a daily discrete lesson, but a cornerstone of the entire curriculum.  It is embedded within all our lessons and we will strive for a high level of English for all. Through using high-quality texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and ensuring new curriculum expectations and the progression of skills are met, the children St Paul’s will be exposed to a language heavy, creative and continuous English curriculum which will not only enable them to become primary literate but will also develop a love of creative writing,  reading, and purposeful speaking and listening.

All children are expected to succeed and make progress from their starting points.

Every lesson builds on knowledge, skills and understanding from previous lessons and prior learning in earlier year groups.

Teachers teach the skills needed to succeed in writing: providing examples of good practice through text maps and modelled writing. High expectations are consistently evident. All children, including the most disadvantaged pupils, the most able pupils and pupils with SEND, receive the same challenge within the same broad curriculum.

Children apply writing skills across the curriculum.

Lessons are taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly enough for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. Lessons follow a recognisable sequence that is pertinent to the unit of learning or topic and moves learning forward.

Ambitious vocabulary is taught explicitly and is expected to be applied in everyday situations.


All children have access to the same text map and model text.

Planning for all English lessons is done using the 2014 National Curriculum, Talk for Writing structure and school progression documents. This ensures that knowledge, skills and understanding is developed throughout the year (short-term) and the Key Stage (long-term). Teaching considers what has been taught before and towards defined end points.

Planning is sequences and shared with parents and children.

All lessons contain different levels of modelling and challenge if necessary.

Teachers carefully plan text maps to include vocabulary, grammar and punctuation that will develop the writing skills of their children.

Teacher’s display modelled writing and boxing-up structures on working walls.

There is joined- up planning of sequences of lessons to ensure pupils are able to connect new knowledge with existing knowledge.

Marking helps to link existing knowledge and new knowledge. By either moving the learning on, encouraging self-correction, or linking back to previous learning.

During “Hot” and “Cold” writes children are given steps to success to show what knowledge they think is relevant to that piece of work.

Teachers have expert knowledge of the subjects that they teach and all lessons contain challenging, relevant vocabulary to extend children’s word banks.

Vocabulary is explicitly taught.

Where possible, teachers link vocabulary to layer 2 of the Guided Reading Process.

Teach consistently use correct grammatical terminology.

Children have access to high-quality Dictionary and Thesaurus.


The impact on our children is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferrable skills.  With the implementation of Talk for Writing being well-established and taught thoroughly in both key stages, children are becoming more confident writers and by the time they are in upper Key Stage 2, most genres of writing are familiar to them and the teaching can focus on creativity, writer’s craft, sustained writing and manipulation of grammar and punctuation skills.

As all aspects of English are an integral part of the curriculum, cross curricular writing standards have also improved and skills taught in English lesson are transferred into other subjects; this shows consolidation of skills and a deeper understanding of how and when to use specific grammar, punctuation and grammar objectives.  We hope that as children move on from St Paul’s to further their education and learning that their creativity, passion for English and high aspirations travel with them and continue to grow and develop as they do.

Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically reading and writing and understand the importance of this subject.

They can talk about books that provide a good stimulus for writing and understand the explicit link between reading and writing.

Pupils can make links between texts and the different themes and genres within them. They can recognise similarities and differences.

All children including the most disadvantaged children and children with SEND are given the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Children embed knowledge and use it fluently. Teachers produce clear next steps for children. Children know the goal, the end point for their learning and how the knowledge and skills taught in each lesson will help them get there.

By the end of year 6, children have an extensive vocabulary.

Children of all abilities achieve in all lessons and are taught appropriate skills.

Children are provided with key instant recall grammar and spelling facts.

Children have a better long-term memory. Children remember skills from previous units throughout the year, and previous topics throughout the key stage.

Teacher’s subject knowledge ensure that skills taught are matched to National Curriculum objectives.


Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: SEND@st-pauls-hyde.tameside.sch.uk