Nursery 2023 - 2024

Mrs Sajid

Nursery 2023/2024

Mrs Sajid and Mrs Oakes

Welcome to Nursery


Dear Families,

Welcome to St Paul’s Catholic Nursery School, please find below information about your child’s learning journey at St Paul’s.

Staff: Myself and Mrs Oakes are the part time members of staff in Nursery we will be supporting your children in their learning journey every morning.

Uniform and Clothing: We will be learning outside in all weathers; please send your child in September with a waterproof coat and a pair of wellington boots (we ask that their wellies be kept in Nursery). Please ensure that all your child’s clothing and footwear has their name on it, if an item goes missing it is more likely to be returned to its owner if their name is in it. Please send in some spare clothes with your child incase of any accidents, these will stay on their pegs and will be sent home if your child has needed to change. 

Nursery Fund: We welcome all donations to our Nursery class fund, funds will be collected on a Friday. The purpose is to help provide those little extras and special snacks, and cooking ingredients etc.

Snacks: We would like to take this opportunity to inform families that we are a healthy school, and fruit is provided in class every day, water is always readily available. Children will be offered milk or water at snack time. We regularly have special snacks too that may be linked to our topic learning. Chidren are welcome to bring in their own water bottles from home. 

This Term Our Topics are:

Spring 1

Topic:                When I grow up

R.E:                    The Holy Family 

Autumn 2

Topic:            Dinosaur Roar!

R.E:                Good Friends  

More Information on the Nursery Curriculum can be found here St Paul's Catholic Primary School: Nursery (

During this term we will be getting to know each other and learning to get along together by taking turns and sharing our resources. We will also be learning how to choose the resources we need. We will have regular Circle Times where we will think about what it means to be a kind friends, we will read stories about kind friends to help us with our understanding. Through a variety of speaking and listening activities, children becoming familiar with our Golden Rules and our behaviour Rainbow.

Throughout our ‘play learning’ we will read stories about friendships, starting school, our bodies, traditional stories, and stories from other cultures.

Phonics: In Nursery children take part in Phonics Play and learning; this will be in provision as they play or in carpet sessions. In Phase One Phonics children will learn to ‘Tune into Sounds’ by Listening for: Sounds in the Environment, Sounds of Instruments and Body Percussion.

Home Learning: Children will receive a variety of homework tasks which will be included on the weekly Nursery Newsletter. This will help you see what they are learning in school as well as working with your child to build a relationship and link between home and school.  

Learning Journeys: The learning your child does in school will go into an observation on Evidence Me weekly, you will also find evidence of their learning in our class floor book and their individual journey on our display in the 'Nursery Cave'. Parent/carers are welcome to look at these at the end of the day when all children have been dismissed safely. The floor books will showcase the children's learning journey throughout the half term using photographs, notes, observations and Focused Tasks. Any home learning or significant achievements can be recorded and sent into school and we will add them to your child’s Learning Journey on the wall.

The new EYFS curriculum encourages a focus on practitioners building a knowledge and understanding of your child as a learner; supporting them to develop individually, through a mixture of individual and group play, alongside practical assessment at key points in their development.

Home and Nursery Partnership: Parents will be sent a log in and consent form for our Evidence Me observation application. Practitioners use Evidence Me to record significant moments in your child’s learning; these observations are then shared with you, and parents are able to comment on their child’s learning. The class teacher may set a Next Step target, that you can support your child to achieve at home. Parents can also upload their own observations about their child to the platform.

We will send home a set of WOW cards; these are for you to write down any observations you make of your child at home. When you think WOW! I didn’t know they could do that you can write it down and send it into nursery and we will add it to their Learning Journey.

If you wish to communicate with us in Nursery,we operate an 'open door policy'. You may speak to us at Nursery drop off or pick up once all children have been dismissed, or via email to However, lengthy conversations are best taking place by appointment. If your child is not being collected by yourself, please let us know when you drop them off in the morning.

We look forward to working with you and your children during the coming year, and thank you in anticipation of your valued support.

Mrs Sajid and Mrs Oakes

Files to Download

Nursery: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Nursery: Calendar items

End of School Year, by Mrs Phoenix

Staff INSET Day, by Mrs Phoenix

Contact the School

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

Miss M Flynn (Headteacher)
St Paul's Catholic Primary School
Turner Lane
SK14 4AG, United Kingdom

Main Contact: Mrs S Phoenix (School Business Manager)

Tel: 0161 368 2934

SEN Contact: Mrs R Shackleton

SEN Email: